Zdenek P . Bazant Size Effect and Fracture Characteristics of Composite Laminates
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208 Measurements of the size effect on the nominal strength of notched specimens of fiber composlf~ ~ammates are reported. Tests were conducted on graphite/epoxy crossplv and quasI-IsotroPIc laminates. The specimens were rectangular strips of widths 6.4, 12.7,25.4 and 50.8 mm (0.25,0.50, 1.00 and 2.00 in.) geometrically similar in two dimensIOns. The gage lengths were 25, 51, 102 and 203 mm (1.0, 20, 4.0 and 8.0 in.). One set of specimens had double-edge notches and a [0/922 L crossply layup, and another set had a single-sided edge notch and a [0/:'::45190], quasi-isotropic layup. It ~as been found that there is a significant size effect on the nominal strength. It ~pproxlmately agrees with the size effect law proposed by Bazant, according to which the curve of the logarithm of the nominal strength versus the logarithm of size represents a smooth transition from a horizontal asymptote, corresponding to the strength cntenon (plastic lim.it analysis), to an inclined asymptote of -0.5 slope, correspondmg to lmear elastiC fracture mechanics. Optimum fits of the test results by the sIze effect law are obtained, and the size effect law parameters are then used to identify the material fracture characteristics, particularly the fracture energy and the effectIve length of the fracture process zone. Finally, the R-Cllrves are also Identified on the basis of the maximum load data. The results show that in design sItuatIOns wah notches or large initial traction-free cracks the size effect on the nommal strength of fiber composite laminates must be taken into account.
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